Things to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag for Long Haul Flights

Long haul flights are a whole other ballgame than a domestic flight. Unlike a domestic flight that you can just suffer through for a couple hours, long haul flights require a bit more planning to make the trip more enjoyable. After many international trips, I feel I have found a foolproof plan of things to bring in my carry-on bag to make long haul flights as painless as possible.

Carry-On Bag Checklist:

Hydroflask (or similar): You obviously cannot bring a full size water bottle past TSA, so I like to bring my empty Hydroflask and then fill it up at a water fountain near my gate. This way, I am not paying $6 for a small water bottle, and it will stay cold. It is also super important to stay hydrated during the flight. Airplanes have a filtration system that is in place to help clean the air, but it also sucks all the humidity out. That is why so many people may find themselves feeling dehydrated, chapped lips, or dry skin. The dry air also can make you more suspetible to germs. Combat this with drinking lots of water.

Warm Socks: On a long flight, I always remove my shoes and just wear my socks while I am sitting in my seat. While in the air, your body tends to get puffy, and this includes your feet (which is why you may have noticed your shoes feel tighter while flying). My feet always get cold as well which can prevent me from falling asleep. Because of this, I always take my shoes off and then throw on a pair of warm fuzzy socks.

Chapstick and Hand Lotion: Like I said earlier about the dry air, I bring these to prevent chapped hands and lips. Make sure your lotion is travel sized. I will live and die by this lip mask .

Makeup Removing Wipes/ Makeup Eraser: I never fly international with a face of makeup because it always makes me breakout, as well as feel sticky and gross. I try to arrive to the airport makeup free, but if that is not an option, just throw in some makeup removing wipes and remove your makeup once you are seated. I also recently tried the Makeup Eraser, and it truly does work wonders. You just add water, and this takes off all of your makeup. 

Melatonin and Tylenol PM: Sometimes no matter how prepared you are, flights can really be uncomfortable. I always bring a Tylenol PM to help with achey limbs, headaches, and discomfort if it arises. I do not always end up using it, but it is nice when you need it. As for Melatonin, this is to help me fall asleep. I try to take it with dinner and then try to fall asleep 30 minutes later.

Eye Mask: I recently started bringing an eye mask and it has really helped me fall asleep. Since the cabin will always have people moving around, flipping on lights, movies playing etc. it is nice to just throw on a mask forget about your surroundings.

Toothbrush & toothpaste and deodorant: I feel so much better when I have freshly brushed teeth. At some point during the flight (usually after I sleep) I will get up and go brush my teeth in the bathroom and bring my own water bottle to brush and rinse with. This is obviously not the cleanest bathroom in the world but girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. I promise you will feel a million times better. It is also nice to have deodorant to freshen up before landing.

Pillow: Bring a neck pillow or a pillow for lumbar support. I have a bad back and bringing a pillow for lumbar support is non negotiable for me.

Sanitizing Wipes: Did you know the trays in front of you on a flight are one of the most dirty things on a plane?! Bring some sanitizing wipes and wipe that baby down before eating off of it or heaven forbid laying your face on it to sleep.

Extras: Bring books, headphones, phone charger, face mask, cards, tissues, eye drops etc. Just think about things that you personally want to entertain yourself or small things that could make traveling more enjoyable.

*Pro tip: have a small bag that hold your passport, ticket, ID, pen etc. so you just have to pull that out when you go through customs once you land. It is much less stressful if you do not have to go digging through your bag.

Hope this post was helpful in preparing you for your long flight. Comment below where you are headed!