Starting Fresh & 2020 Resolutions

2019 was a year of growth. It was a year that stretched me and made me uncomfortable at times. 2019 was filled with the high highs and low lows. In 2019, I feel like I finally got to know myself. It is a funny thing to say, but I think far too many people do not truly know themselves. I believe that sometimes it takes getting knocked down to start to focus on who you are and what you want.

2019 was hard, but it has set me up for 2020 in the most perfect of ways. I have never felt more ready for not only a new year but a new decade. I like to have a theme for each year, but in honor of a new decade, I have decided to make the theme of this decade “The Decade of Do“. Over the next 10 years , I want to do all of the things. Go all of the places. Get all of the jobs. Accomplish all of the things.

I recently read the book The Defining Decade by Meg Jay. (It is an amazing book about your twenties that I highly recommend, I linked it here). I know that this coming decade will be my “defining decade”. I hope to lay the foundation for the rest of my life and set up my life in a way that makes me excited to wake up in the morning.

2020 Resolutions

Develop and stick to a morning routine: I have never been a creature of habit. I do not even like to drive the same way to school everyday. I like to mix it up and I hate feeling like I do the same thing day in and day out. BUT I truly believe that I would benefit from a solid morning routine. I have fallen habit to being reactive when I wake up (ex. responding to texts and email immediately upon waking), oversleeping and feeling rushed, and not carving out time to myself. I have developed a morning routine that will allow me to start my mornings on a good foot, and lay the foundation for the rest of the day.

Nourish my body: In 2019, I learned to listen to my body. I started the year with chronic fatigue that made it hard for me to live a normal life. Once I decided it was time that I actually got to the root of the problem, I found that I was severly deficient in almost every vitamin possible. This was a huge wake up call for me. I started to look at food as fuel, and wanted to give my body the nourishment it needed. Going into this year, I have decided to attempt to eat 2 out of 3 meals a day plant based (in an attempt to get more veggies in), drink more water, take vitamins every morning, and to reduce my sugar in take. These are obviously personal goals (not necessarily recommendations for you), but I do urge you to look at the way you eat and evaluate if you are giving your body what it needs. If you don’t give your body what it wants, it will eventually tell you like it did for me.

Become financially educated: I recently started to take a larger interest in my finances and it has been eye opening. As a soon to be college graduate, I am now faced with things like having to pay off college loans, setting up my 401k, and just becoming more aware of what I spend my money on. I no longer want to be afraid of terms like “Roth IRA” and “investing”. I want to learn and be on top of my financial future.

Stay in Motion: My moto for 2020 is Newtons First Law (yep like the one you learned about in science class). “An object in motion stays in motion”. One thing I have learned about myself is that when I become stagnant, it is hard for me to start moving again. But when I finally get into a stride, it is much is easier for me to keep that motivation up. It is similar to how people tell you to never miss a Monday at the gym because you are more likely to end up skipping the whole week if you do. Even when life gets hard, I just want to keep moving forward.

Take the Risk: If there is anytime in your life to take a risk, it is in your twenties. As a person who loves to play it safe, I am challenging myself to take the risk, apply for the job, make new friendships, and try new things. I have always been someone to place too much weight on what others thought of me, and it has prevented me from taking risks I wish I had. I am not allowing that into my life anymore. High risk yields high reward.

There you have it! Those are my 2020 resolutions. I would love to hear what some of your resolutions are in the comments below! Also, let me know what content you would like to see from me in the coming year.
